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Pact - Solving Smart Contract Governance and Upgradeability
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Pact: Solving Smart Contract Governance and Upgradeability

The blockchain industry undeniably spends a great deal of energy discussing governance, but sometimes the focus of governance gets confused. Usually, the focus is on the blockchain protocol layer, arguing about hard forks and the like. However, a major underexplored topic to consider is governance at the smart contract layer, especially since, for Ethereum at least, certain hard forks were motivated by bugs and exploits in smart contracts, not the protocol itself. Many of the largest (i.e. highest monetary impact) bugs in blockchain’s history were library dependency or multi-signature issues. In smart contracts, we feel it is crucial to specify the details of upgrading — how and *who *can update the terms and conditions of existing contracts and sign transactions — in the smart contract itself.

Governance is a method or procedure for the upgrading of smart contracts already running on the blockchain. Governance comes in two distinct forms:

* Centralized Governance where a set of individuals, as identified by their public key signatures, are able to update the live contract at will. This is easiest to model as a simple multi-signature scheme.

* Distributed Governance where a weighted vote, generally cast by current stakeholders, is held on a specific upgrade. This is a multi-stage process that involves writing code to orchestrate the upgrade process.

Governance problems arise in current public blockchains like Ethereum because of their immutable nature. In most environments, once a smart contract is deployed, it cannot be changed without a large-scale network fork or completely abandoning the entire contract application, moving all users’ funds to a reinstated deployment. This is far from ideal, leaving behind valuable data about users’ history that makes blockchain secure. But in the day-to-day flow of normal business operations — things change all the time and contracts and workflows need to change to reflect those alterations. These changes should ideally NOT disrupt related workflows or dependencies. Immutability can seem attractive for code on a distributed ledger, making the difficulty seem worth the bother. We’d like to show how our solution is just as secure but still simple and elegant for the smart contract developer.

Kadena’s blockchain smart contract language Pact offers a simpler and safer solution for deploying smart contracts, with built-in governance functions and support for updates at any point during the lifecycle of the smart contract, without the need for hard forks.

These features will allow developers to resolve critical issues and deploy strategic improvements easily to existing smart contracts and enable individual or enterprise parties to conduct business safely in a trustless and secure environment.

Total Governance

In Pact, when a smart contract is deployed, governance is directly specified before any code is presented. A keyset (a single or multiple-key signer requirement) can be provided to administrate the smart contract, or a governance function can be referenced (in the body of the smart contract). Keysets provide for simple, centralized governance, e.g. by requiring 2 out of 3 signers to sign off on an upgrade. A governance function opens the full power of the smart contract language to orchestrate an upgrade, allowing for fully democratic or distributed governance, where you gather votes on an upgrade hash and enforce quorum at upgrade time. The point is you have the power to choose how your contract is governed, and others using your contract can’t break your code.

Pact offers atomic execution, common for blockchain platforms, ensuring that an individual transaction succeeds or fails as a unit — and in failure, the contract is rolled back to its previous state. Applied to governance, this means that upgrades performed in a single transaction cannot be “partially applied,” further ensuring safety. The combination of atomic execution protecting the upgrade and the power of keysets and governance functions to control the upgrade process makes for a highly robust scheme we like to call “Total Governance.”

Example: Pact fixes Parity Multi-sig Hacks

Updating Pact smart contracts occurs inside of a transaction that only commits changes upon successful execution of the new code. This mechanism allows smart contracts to be upgraded to newer versions, even after the smart contract is live and running. Total Governance ensures that changes in upstream dependencies will not break the contract itself. Developers can be assured that their code will maintain its integrity, and fulfill its intended purpose. Pact protects against upstream code breaking downstream code, avoiding instances like the infamous “Leftpad” case that broke the internet, or the case of blockchain, the Parity multi-sig wallet bug.

Pact protects users from a single person “accidentally” breaking your code from afar; Pact solves for central library dependency attacks and allows contracts to be truly and securely upgradeable. What’s more, to fix a problem like Parity multi-sig, you wouldn’t need to ask for a hard fork vote from the community if you chose a more reasonable governance model.

Contracts as “Cryptocharters”

One way to understand what it means to have total governance is to look at a smart contract application as more than just code, but as the governing model for an entire distributed company — a cryptocharter. The term “cryptocharter” is meant to reflect the idea that smart contracts are more than just code — they should represent your business logic or organization workflow. Pact cryptocharters are smart contracts that have governance options built-in to make them “smarter” and safer.

This essentially means that for the first time ever, smart contract developers can easily model governance structures according to their preferences, without needing to resort to backdoor mechanisms, hard forks, or risky data structures.

Some other examples of features in Pact that support its ease of use and cryptocharters:

  • Pact cryptocharters have plain text names and associated hashes: importing a payments module is as simple as (use ‘payments). For added security, the hash of the module can be added to the import like so (use ‘payments <hash>). During import, if the latest version of ’payments doesn’t have the correct hash, the load transaction fails harmlessly.

  • Pact is a Turing Incomplete language. This means your contracts and code can’t run itself into unbounded loops. Even our non-technical team discovered the importance of this feature when questioning what Turing completeness means in the context of blockchain.

You’ll be hard pressed to find another blockchain platform and smart contract language that solves the problems that Pact can.

Conclusion: What You Can Do With Pact Now