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From Haskell to Pact - My Journey in Code Toward a More Stable and Secure Environment for Blockchain Builders
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From Haskell to Pact: My Journey in Code Toward a More Stable and Secure Environment for Blockchain Builders

The blockchain cannot be described just as a revolution. It is a tsunami-like phenomenon, slowly advancing and gradually enveloping everything along its way by the force of its progression — William Mougayar

As a programmer for the past three decades, I’ve seen a lot of epic changes in technology — from my early days writing C++ parsers for Borland at the dawn of the internet to surfing the Web 2.0 wave with Java J2EE-based web applications and microservices on Haskell. In the last decade I’ve migrated fully to functional programming, building both production systems in Haskell and formally verified models in Coq.

As the newest engineering team member at Kadena, I’m now happily wrapping my head around Pact, Kadena’s open-sourced smart contract programming language. Not only is it a privilege to be part of such an amazing community, but something truly transformational is underway. Thanks to connections built earlier in my career, my path to Kadena came into clear view at the right time. Here at Kadena I’m able to pursue my aspiration of creating a more stable and secure environment for blockchain builders.

Early cryptography: Haskell, government contracts, and formal proofs

I’ve had a pretty long and complex career in code, traversing many languages and applications that ranged from straight C-style languages, to object-oriented and functional styles of programming. But it wasn’t until 2013 that I started digging into Haskell, which became my entry point into proof systems and smart contracts.

This started when I went to work at BAE Systems, a large DARPA government contractor, where I spent the next four years focused on software verification. I spent many happy days on proofs during this time, while also writing traditional tests. One of the anecdotes I like to share is how, while writing a register allocator and its corresponding test suite, I managed to find a subtle bug in the 8.2 billionth program that the testing framework generated. Of course, I fixed the bug but the reason I like this example is because it shows the tragic incompleteness of unit testing compared to proof. In the world of DARPA, we strove to write proofs that would make such testing unnecessary, because the math then convinced us that such software would never fail. The key difference, of course, being the engineering cost, and so I’ve spent my career since then looking for ways to mitigate those costs.

The realm of testing and formal proofs got me interested more in using Haskell also as a functional tool for dipping into theoretical research. I began to appreciate the beauty of math in computer programming, and studied category theory and abstract algebra to start applying those principles to better engineering design. I didn’t realize it fully at the time, but this was my early foray into cryptography and the nature of smart contracts. What essentially fascinated me was the “math to implementation” pipeline and how proofs can be used to connect these two. I kept a blog of articles where I documented my research and insights, including my work on recursion schemes.

In 2018, I joined a non-profit named DFINITY that was interested in doing proof work on blockchain. During my four years there, I assumed a variety of roles and opportunities ranging from verification engineer to technical lead for a variety of teams. I solidified my blockchain proof work and modeling experience during this tenure using Haskell, Rust and Coq.

Meeting of the minds

With some of this technical background in mind, allow me to jump back to around 2013. That was the year I first met Doug Beardsley at the first International Conference on Functional Programming in Boston, MA. Introduced through a mutual friend, Doug and I kept in touch — he’s a friendly guy and we’ve become engineering friends over the years.

When Doug made the jump over to Kadena in 2018, I remembered hearing about some of the compelling things that his new company was doing with formal verification, specifically using Z3 for automated model checking. So I was delighted when earlier this year Doug reached out and reminded me that there was a two-year-old position for a Pact verification engineer that was still open. By this time, I had also started talking to Kadena co-founder and CEO Stuart Popejoy; the three of us had a chat group going where we’d discuss all things related to blockchain verification, semantics, and system behaviors. From these sessions, I could tell each of these topics were close to their heart and part of the deeper vision for creating the world’s first scalable proof of work (PoW) layer-1 smart contract.

Pact, recursion-freedom, and the promise of a decentralized future

Serendipity or otherwise, I’m now immersed in understanding the smart contract language that could very well become the future of secure contracts on blockchain. I first heard about Pact at a conference in 2017 where Stuart described his purely functional contract language as a means to empower people to enact meaningful events on a blockchain, safely and quickly.

I believe that Pact is important on many levels. For example, I appreciate how Stuart made lots of conservative choices upfront — for instance, eliminating recursive functions to avoid the kinds of re-entrancy attacks we’ve seen in Solidity. Programmers who have worked on financial systems in the past will likely appreciate the absence of recursion in a smart contract language because it’s a disaster waiting to happen.

One of my major goals at Kadena is to absorb everything I can about the current state of the system, and then to start comparing that to our future vision. We must keep asking ourselves: what changes and revisions do we need to bring the platform to the next level of security, scalability, and accessibility?

Another area I’m particularly intrigued by is Kadena’s future growth and influence on Web3 and the dapps that spin off from it. In other words, how Kadena can be applied across various industries and become first to market in those some of those sectors. By focusing on reliable smart contracts, Kadena can become a natural fit where security and trustworthiness are paramount: such as DeFi, NFT sales, and other marketplaces where the importance of reliability has been amply demonstrated by many recent hacks and thefts.

If you’re running a financial organization and are now convinced that a ledger on blockchain is a big win for your organization, then the choice between Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) or Pact should be clear.

Leveraging connections, building consensus: Bringing it all together

For years, I’ve been involved in open-source initiatives, and have done a lot of evangelism for platforms that I’m passionate about. For instance, I’ve been involved in Emacs for almost my entire career, and have spent a decade in the Nix, Haskell, and Coq communities, conducting many meetups, giving presentations, and staying active on forums.

I feel that I’ve been given this amazing opportunity to leverage these connections and evangelize the benefits of Pact, and have a chance now to help build consensus and community around the Kadena product and roadmap. Some in the open-source community might know me for my work in formal verification, so now will be a time to help interface Kadena with the broader communities I belong to.

I’m really excited to be here at Kadena and can’t wait to see what great things we’ll all achieve together. I look forward to chatting with you at a future event, meetup, or conference. But there’s no need to wait until then; drop me a line — to say hello, ask a question, or provide some feedback. I’d love to hear from you. Find me at